Reply as a Company on LinkedIn

On LinkedIn, when you are a super admin you can comment on your page’s posts and posts that mention you as the company instead of you as a person. Where there is opportunity on LinkedIn is to get creative with your community management and be able to dip into relevant conversations as your brand page and represent as a company as opposed to a person on relevant posts outside of the confides of what you post and where you are tagged.

To comment on any post as the company, follow the steps below:

Time needed: 5 minutes.

How to comment on LinkedIn Posts as a Company

1.Go to your company page

Head on over to your company page.

2. Copy the profile ID in the URL

In the browser address bar find your page ID number as shown here. Copy that bad boy. I like to paste it in a text doc as you’ll copying other stuff in the next step

3. Go to the LinkedIn Post that you want to Interact on & Copy Link to Post

On the post, click on the 3 dots on the top right corner of the post find “Copy Link to Post“ and click it.

4. Paste and go to link of the post

In your browser, paste the copied link in the URL, and go to the page. Find the /?utm_source=… at the end of the URL, delete it all the way back to the ?.

5. In the post URL, modify the end

Add the below after the / where you deleted the string, making sure to replace YOURIDNUMBER with your business ID : This can be more easily done on a text doc as mentioned earlier. It also helps to keep the below string WITH your business ID handy so you can just navigate to the post copy and paste this directly in.


Note: The string is case sensitive, so make sure the letter ‘C’ in Company and ‘I’ in Id is capitalized.

6. Done! You can now Comment as your Company

Badda-Bing - you can now comment as your business page on ANYTHING

Brett Sirianni